

dec - > hex = dec / 16

hex to dec = hex * 16^n bit



binary add

carry 1 when add 1 to 1

hex addiction


TWO compliments binary

flip all the 1 and 0 then add that negate binary with 1 to get the two compliment


Binary substraction example A - B

we two compliment B and then A + (new)B

Hex substraction ( borrow 16 from right to do substraction and carry -1 when needed to )


TWO COMPLIMENTS HEX (15 - each value ) + 1 afterward


+ 1


Singed decimal to hex

if decimal < 0

two complement hex to get singed hex

Singed Hex to Dec

if hex < 0, two compliment hex

and convert to dec

then add (-) singed at the dec


Byte 0 - > 2^8-1

singed Byte -2^7 - > 2^7-1

Word 2^16-1

Singed Word -2^15 -> 2^15

Dword 2^32

1.       What is a Virtual machine and machine hierarchy.

Virtual machine is a software program that emulates the functions of some other physical or virtual computer. Depend on the layers but most common is

L0 for machine code

L1 for Digital logic

L2 for ISA (Instruction set architecture) built in instruction in the microprocessor

L3 is Assembly language

L4 is high level language

2.       What is a dynamic link library (DLL).

a DLL is like a shared toolbox for computer programs, containing code and resources that different applications can use simultaneously, helping to save space, resources, and making maintenance easier.

3.       How does a compiler decode and execute instructions.


4.       Evaluate Boolean expressions with AND, OR, NOT.